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Friday, May 14, 2010

Library 2.0 Gang 05/10: RFID – Connecting with the physical world

Richard Wallis writes: "RFID on the surface didn't seem the sexiest of topics for my last show chairing the Library 2.0 Gang, but it turned out to be one of the interesting ones. I was joined by two guests to explore how RFID is providing a better experience for library users, and what challenges and opportunities greater adoption of the technology will bring. In the UK Mick Fortune is known as Mr RFID - a key facilitator in the UK's leading position in RFID adoption in libraries, with his work with the annual RFID in Libraries Conference, the industry adoption of UK standards, and the recently announced RFID Alliance between equipment suppliers. Skip Driessen, RFID Portfolio Manager for one of those suppliers, 3M, was our other guest. Skip has been with 3M for many years and has been engaged with library implementation of the technology since the early days of 1994"

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