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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Uncontrolled Vocabulary #68 - Appeal to the Middle

Uncontrolled Vocabulary #68 is now available for download. Topics:

1. Obama adminstration brings back the Freedom of Information Act and transparency in government (BoingBoing)
Obama administration embraces Creative Commons (Coyle's InFormation)
Supreme Court Rejection Nixes Child Online Protection Act (AL Online)
Under Obama, feds may still snoop library files (San Francisco Chronicle)

2. At First, Funny Videos. Now, a Reference Tool. (New York Times)

3. Wikipedia May Restrict Public's Ability to Change Entries (New York Times)

4. Why you can't find a library book in your search engine (Guardian)
OCLC Defends Records Policy, Faces Questions, Suggestions, and Criticisms (Library Journal)

5. Google & the Future of Books (New York Review of Books)
A fire on the plain (Peter Brantley’s thoughts and speculations)

6. What's New at LibraryElf

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